Sorry to all the folks who read 1984 in the fog of schoolroom boredom. Fuck, Aldous Huxley wrote about drugs, and sixties popstars were all over him. All poor Eric got was some biker trying to find his Rudge on Jura.
Oh no, I've said a naughty word; will I have a job this time next week?
Oh, dearie me. I'm usually so clean living and I was driven to use a naughty word on my own blog. You lot are contaminating me, no doubt about it.
Although a certain blogger posted to tell me we're all going to hell or being sued--whichever comes first. He also says I'll be fired, which is tough for a self-employed writer. I wonder if I'll fire myself. *blinks*
Conan, another superb Hootsman. The subject is one where an individual's livelyhood and family had been impacted, but you acerbic and wry take on it is spot on!
Oh lord. If you disappear in a hurry we'll know where you have gone.... 101 isn't it?
ReplyDelete(Just tell them your greatest fear is large breasts... )
We'll soon have the World Wildlife Fund on our side seeing as we are becoming an endangered species!
ReplyDeleteAs usual, you have a point about some things, CTL.
ReplyDeleteHey Tris, I'm in room 102, with Airstrip One Malt Vodka and Commissar Sanders rat kebabs.
ReplyDeleteYou're back Rab? Good.
ReplyDeleteSmee, praise from you? I'm honoured.
In a way ;¬)
Mibies it was thon lassie's arse on MB's blog that got thur knickers in a twist?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSorry, typos...
ReplyDeleteOh, dearie me. I'm usually so clean living and I was driven to use a naughty word on my own blog. You lot are contaminating me, no doubt about it.
Although a certain blogger posted to tell me we're all going to hell or being sued--whichever comes first. He also says I'll be fired, which is tough for a self-employed writer. I wonder if I'll fire myself. *blinks*
Hey Jeanne, yer no in Kansas noo...;¬)
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not, Conan. I do wonder though--if people give up their freedom to get their freedom, what have they gained?
ReplyDeleteI have to wonder.
Conan, another superb Hootsman. The subject is one where an individual's livelyhood and family had been impacted, but you acerbic and wry take on it is spot on!
ReplyDeleteBe afeart - be very afeart!