Thursday, 28 May 2009

Scott gives Kirk a beamer.

I am the very model of a modern Presbyterian

I've information relative to the Church criterion

I know the mind of Jesus, and his orders categorical

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters Puritanical

I understand sinners, both the simple and fanatical:
Only Jesus knows my sins both venal and grammatical

About Darwin's theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news

With many cheerful facts about banning of the demon booze

With many cheerful facts about banning of the demon booze

With many cheerful facts about banning of the demon booze

I'm very good at integral and differential calculus

I know the scientific names of beings animalculous

In short, in matters secular I am most meticulous

But having a gay minister-now that is just ridiculous

But having a gay minister-now that is just ridiculous

But having a gay minister-now that is just ridiculous


  1. One of your best - had a good laugh -Ta.

  2. Conan

    Where did you get the picture of me dad

  3. Thanks scunnert.
    Your Dad was a presbyterian minister Niko?
    That explains a LOT...

  4. Conan
    Nah! he was a communist but he used to look just like that at the dinner table when he used to berate all 12 of us.

  5. Conan,

    I sang your little ditty with gay abandon! Oh no, I'll be drummed oot o' the kirk and I'll be doooomed!

  6. Conan,

    I can't seem to get on your blog from my lap-top. Is it a wee free free zone?

  7. lol that was funny Conan. I think Niko is gay and he can identify himself with your post.

    wee shame..
