Saturday 5 December 2009

Hootsmon Headlines


  1. Someone is going to blow open the identity of the person behind the Nationalist Mythbusting blog.

    This is going to get out of hand.

  2. Conan

    LOL, superb, bravo

    Reporters - blowing open? Out of hand? Do you think, after two people lost their job for tongue in cheek humorous blogs? And Conan was threatened?

  3. Love it - you take a nice photo Conan.

  4. Conan,

    The thought of Foulkes slipping the tongue does not bear thinking about. I was going to say was it mad ox tongue but I won't!

    Don't know who the SNP blogger is but he certainly looks evil!

    Incidentally, nice to see someone special back.

  5. Excellent love it... you look soooo ordinary where are the horns and where have I seen you before ha ha!

  6. Fifteen stone Upmh? a tad more than that Fatty bum bum

  7. I am beginning to wonder about how well advised my trap was. RSF is yet another incarnation of the same multi-monikered-moron - sigh

    Perhaps should take my blog down?

  8. Thanks folks, as always your comments are much appreciated.
    I suppose now that AM2 has gone, his apprentice(but not a boy)sm753 is the most eloquent of the unionist bloggers who actually interacts with us cybernats.His style is a bit abrasive and patronising, perhaps to get the reactions from proud and passionate SNP supporters that his mentor used to love displaying on his blog like pinned butterflies; but I don't think he's a bad chap at heart.
    And yes I said cybernats; I'm not ashamed of the term, for it was coined for us, the members of the Mackee and the regulars of the piano bar.
    They ken who they are:¬)

  9. Polaris RSF has been round a few blogs posting the same!

  10. Yeah I know Dawdels - thanks, I personally have nothing to lose/hide - I'm just wondering if my provocation, particularly the allegation of anti-SNP bias is provoking him into hitting out at others.

    Mind you I also wonder if we aren't being wound up by a deluded pissant...

  11. Tomorrow's edition of the Screws should prove it either way Polaris.

  12. You are correct Conan, although I "hear" that the NoTW will not contain anything on Subrosa. I've heard nothing about you though...

    Did we make any difference by standing our ground? I guess we will never ken.

    But I do know somebody who, at the very least, will lose his broadband. That should be annoying, if not a punch in the balls.

  13. All right then thecomedian, it's fifteen stone of pure muscle, and two other stones.

  14. What's worrying me is, can we be sure that the Subrosa that has been dotting about today is the real Subrosa? I thought she was having to lie low until this unfortunate business was all sorted out. Could our mean-spirited stalker be posing under her name and fooling us all into thinking our friend is back? But if it is the real Subrosa I don't want her to think we're doubting it! How can we know?

    Polaris, please don't give up your blog!

    Conan, this Hootsman is hilarious.

  15. Quinie, it's definitely her (Subrosa I mean). Well so far...

  16. Another work of genius!

    Regarding NOTW: I would be astounded if anything about a 'civilian' blogger made it into the MSM. Unless there is a legitimate political slant (politician, aide or party official) then it's just froth.

    Unless there was a public interest defence it could be fraud or harassment...Press Complaints Commission may well take it up.

    Most bloggers comment (ahem, rant) about issues of public interest, after all. It may be bad-tempered sometimes, but the politicos dish it out (Campbell: 'it will fuck Gilligan') and the MSM red-tops pursuit of celebs makes blog rantings look positively tame.

  17. Wardog was of course forced offline by actual exposure and he was a 'civilian'. My gut feeling is that this was an 'excess of enthusiasm' following the MacCarthy outing rather than any expectation of public interest. As the Sun knows well after the mis-spelled Brown condolence letter, the fanned flames of outrage can blown in both direction.

  18. Which blogger will be named and shamed in this weeks Sunday's?

  19. RSF - fuck off, you know it will be nobody - because that is exactly who you are, nothing.

    Please excuse my language Conan.

  20. Just a tad tired and frustrated, should probably go to bed right about now...

  21. Polaris your beginning to wobble just a little now.

  22. OOoo Polaris said a naughty word. *grin*

    RSF, if a blogger is named it will be to nationalist cheers.

    Conan, you're a braw lad (if I may pretend to be a Scot for a moment ;) ) and don't let them give you a hard time.

    Polaris, stand by your guns. At the least, it will slap one abusive piece of scum up the side of the head when they lose their broadband.

  23. Nationalist Mythbusting better have a good excuse for using his parliamentary office equipment 'payed for by the public purse' to scribble down on his blog.

  24. Jeanne Tomlin

    This one will roll and roll and roll like no tomorrow. A parliamentarian using 'taxpayers' money to fund his own blog and his office girl knows all about it too I might add!

  25. And I agree. Welcome back, Subrosa!

  26. Polaris appears to be very upset that 'no Nat' was in the papers this week but she will be as sick as a dog when she learns what is to come.

  27. "This one will roll and roll and roll like no tomorrow. A parliamentarian using 'taxpayers' money to fund his own blog and his office girl knows all about it too I might add!"

    Haha! Outing a Tory as a nationalist will be TOO funny! I can't wait.

  28. Jeanne Tomlin

    You don't get it do you? The person who runs the Nationalist Mythbusting blog is a 'Labour' parliamentarian right here in Scotland, go figure who Tory Bear is having it out with!

  29. Another brilliant piece Conan. Although like many others the thought of Mr Foulkes' tongue gives me the shivers....

  30. Evening Conan - an excellent Hootsman front page once again. This all reminds me of the fakers on the Herald. I think Sam's back.

  31. EEEWWW Don't mention Lord Foulkes disgusting tongue

  32. 'Your' instead of you're and 'payed' instead of paid (payed only applies to ropes).

    Mest bi ae journalist.

    Oh well, thought this was going to be tough.

    Go on RSF, name him - here and now We aweight you're rispanse woth booted breeth...

  33. Here's an equation:


    Neat eh?

  34. Now I must go to bed before I do some premature harm to RSF.

  35. Oh I just heard on the news that the NoTW are being hauled over the coals - something to do with that £1000000 payed (ha!) in compensation to those harassed and threatened after having their telephones tapped.

    Deep pockets RSF?

  36. Conan. Great Blog only found it recently there was mention of it a year ago on the Scotsman forum, a new link was posted.

    I have caught up, reading all your blogs since January in the last few weeks.

    There is a lot I have agreed with, some I have'nt but most of all I have laughed

    The Hootsmon headlines are great.

    The freedom to Satirize The freedom to Challenge.

    A Blog that makes you laugh and think. (Agree or Disagree)has to be good.

  37. I agree that satire is good UNLESS it contains a mention of a certain lord's tongue--which mention will give me nightmares for months.

    BAD Conan.

    Seriously, though, there has been a strong move to quash political satire in Scotland which shows just how potent satire is--that it so frightens the "powers that be".

  38. RSF is going to out me as a "Labour parliamentarian"?

    And I've got an "office girl"?

    Hadn't noticed. Where is she? Is she fit?

  39. Oh yeah forgot about your Todger

  40. Bloggers named in the "murdoch papers" today.

    But not like you might think...

    Well done Go Lassie Go! Captures the zeitgeist perfectly.

  41. Bugger. I *still* don't get a mention...

  42. So Drumlanrig on the SoS is delighted by the "cleanup" of cyberspace...

  43. I haven't a clue how to post a link to it for you, but Joan McAlpine's article in today's Sunday Times Scotland is a MUST-READ!

    Think the Scottish blogosphere is gonna get a whole new bunch of readers!

    It's only a matter of time now before Conan's gems hit the big time and he will finally get the chance to see his handsome face in the papers!

  44. Oh sorry, I see Jess the Dog was WAY ahead!

    Go Lassie Go indeed...

  45. According to the aptly named Burke's Peerage, the proper etiquette for little old ladies who meet Lord George, with his tongue hanging out, is to run like feck.

  46. Hello all and yes honestly it is me. Who would want to impersonate me anyway? Jeanne, I'll be in touch I promise.

    Conan, don't be disappointed. I'll continue to publish yer superb satire.

    Can anyone believe SM753 thinks the wifey in my banner is me? Will you please tell him about the pills I take and the fact that I'm asked by all and sundry how do I look so young?

    Now back to trying to work out this stuff before I open tomorrow. Really I should be honest with techy folk and say I don't have a clue what they're speaking about, but a woman must keep some pride. :)

    Polaris, are you being irritated by this RSF individual?

  47. What I want to know is, once Polaris has caught the miscreant, is there going to be a celebratory Christmas meet-up?

    Another notorious bloggers' breakfast, for example?

    I think it will be "stowed", as they say. (i.e. packed to the rafters).

  48. Conan, I'd suggest that you do a headline about Iain Gray's sleazy thievery (too strong a word? *ponders* Nope) regarding the East Lothian council--but we KNOW that a certain newspaper you satirize would never TOUCH that story.

  49. Hey Jeanne, I never expected the Sunday Post of *all* papers to break a story like that; but I'm really glad they did ;¬)

  50. I think it was originally broken by the East Lothian Courier on Thursday. It just took a few days for the bigger dailies to pick it up. Scotland Herald is running it big time with a very negative headline.
