Sunday 25 April 2010

Hootsmon Headlines

From the sandbagged redoubt of my bedroom.
However, the supplies of beer are running low, so back to the fray, a few verbal sallies, a kiss and a cuddle of Grandsons no2 and no3, complain the headache is winning again, raid the fridge and back up here to hunker down and wait for victory...

Saturday 24 April 2010

No Hootsmon headlines

I would be sooo dead if it wasn't for computer illiteracy.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Hootsmon Headlines

Tip of the Bamboo shoot to Bugger.

Monday 12 April 2010

Some Famous Twitters

After Mark and Bruce got sacrificed on the high altar of hypocritical hacks last year for saying that dreaded c word, you'd think Mark, at least, would be prepared to indulge in some well earned Schadenfreude on young Stuart MacLennan.
"It's incredible to me that we are still stuck in this bizarre white bread existence that never was; a land where people aren't allowed to swear, make mistakes, be rude, or perish the thought, express painfully honest opinions. Where those who seek public office are expected to have sprung fresh from a virginal mother's womb, untainted, sporting action man genitals and lead wholesome lives never causing trouble and only visiting us as a precursor to sainthood."
Nice one Mark.
I liked a couple of Stuart's Twitters and have repeated them above.
I'll never be able to stand for the Labour Party now...

Monday 5 April 2010

Saturday 3 April 2010

The Real Thing.

Thanks to subrosa and RadioFreeBritain...and Irn Bru;¬)

Thursday 1 April 2010

Hootsmon Huntigowk

I tried to post this in the morning, but the huntigowk gremlin got me...