Tuesday 9 November 2010


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This is something I'm working on at the moment due to a wee conversation at Newsnet Scotland


  1. Conan

    I can see a little problem with Copyright but who knows any way if you need a lawyer we can always get you Tommy Sheridan !

  2. he wont represent you but will shag you

  3. Conan

    Whoo! been studying FREUD...not very well???

  4. Arf, if we could just squeeze you into a pair of childs braces, you'd look the part Conan.

  5. Great Conan. I've given up commenting on BWB because there's no feedback. Hope you're going to do feedback, yes/no/maybe?

  6. Are you going to use these guys for moderation?


    My names mud with them.

  7. Conan, looks most entertaining! is it live now, or in planning? I had a quick look at the newsnet scotland site courtesy of your link- most interesting. The Murphy spin doctor smear story all very sinister.

    Hats off and socks up in anticpation of blether!


  8. Mr Mixamatoxi

    would the lawyer representing Labour stalwart Jim Devine (MP) in the matter of abusing and not paying his staff, or the lawyer dealing with the Phil Woollas election fraud and disbarment debacle not be better, having recent court experience (we keep the red flag flying, but not if he we have to pay proles or turn up to indutrsial tribunals)

  9. Er...folks, it's a mockup, not an actual website alas.
    Sorry if I got your hopes up there, what I *was* going to do was parody Blether in the same way as I do the Hootsmon.

    I feel all embarrassed now, and shall get drunk.

  10. Blether on, Conan! I shall also get drunk

  11. Cheers Ayrshire. I've got some of Brewdog's finest I've been saving.

  12. Damn, I was looking forward to a blether.

    As a wee free (Buddhist branch) I frown on the mentioning the taking of alcoholic beverages and will not let a drop touch my lips. Oh, alright then, just a small one!

  13. If you don't want it to touch your lips brownlie, use a straw.
    BTW, what's the Hebridean definition of a small one?

  14. Conan,

    Nine inches. Oh, see what you mean - a treble would be regarded as teeny and only offered by a miserable sod.

  15. Mynd yersel noo Mr Conan, fowk yaist tae get hung fer less...

  16. So, the sound of one hand pouring would be four fingers in a shot glass Brownlie?

    Hiya Sophia. Ah've no got a problem wi bein well hung.

  17. The moderators over at BwB got quite snippish with me when I posted a link to this one, Conan. That speaks well of it.
