Sunday 26 April 2009

The World Turned Upside Down.

British Subjects indulging in their right to demonstrate.

Bloody illegal immigrants, send 'em back I say.

No, I didn't get the captions wrong.

Thanks to Hog Day Afternoon for nicking his idea.


  1. I wonder which group of people in the pics does the SNP parliamentary candidate,Osama Saeed support.

  2. Peter Curran giving you a conscience to get some posting done Conan? ;) Good one though.

    Afternoon Niko, raining here so gardening called off. Needed a break anyway.

  3. Perhaps the same one as Labour Party MP and cabinet minister Shahid Malik, Niko?

    Not been in the mood subrosa.
    Buried an old friend and colleague yesterday. The "do" afterwards did me a power of good; why are some of the best parties wakes?

  4. Upside down indeed Conan. When I was a wee boy and we played sodgers I was always a Gurkha never a jihadi.

  5. Conan the Librarian™ said...
    Perhaps the same one as Labour Party MP and cabinet minister Shahid Malik, Niko?
    Spot on..

    Good article Conan, indeed Labour are booting out people who put their lives at risk for us yet Labour are keeping the ones in who would take out lives. Anything for the extrmist votes and Labour will do it..

  6. See the wee guy on the left? His medals outweigh him...Ayoo Gurkhali!
